Connective Tissue Massage / Myofascial Release

Image for Connective Tissue Massage / Myofascial Release


CTM/MFR is an approach to bodywork that releases myofascial restrictions in your body. CTM/MFR relieves chronic tension, increases ease of movement, alleviates pain, improves posture, and enhances self-awareness. These results are often achieved efficiently, reducing your symptoms and effecting deep change without requiring excessive force. CTM/MFR can benefit almost anyone, and is useful in a wide variety of circumstances ranging from accidents to illnesses to managing the stresses of daily life. Gravity, injury, illness, stress or emotional trauma can affect fascia (a thin casing of connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber and muscle in place), causing an imbalance in the connective tissue network. Specifically, this imbalance usually manifests as tightening and shortening of the fascia. This can be experienced as pain, stiffness, discomfort, or decreased flexibility anywhere in the body. Once fascial tissue becomes chronically shortened, it loses flexibility, elasticity, and is unable to relax completely even when the body is at rest. In this situation, CTM/MFR is the most direct way to lengthen and stretch the fascia so that it retains it's flexibility - and the way to restore greater health throughout the fascial network.
